Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tennesee Vacation

We had a lovely time last week in Pigeon Forge, TN, with the Wiebes. The highlight for Jon and me was the 8-mile hike in the Smoky Mountains. The highlight for the kids was Dollywood, where they braved the roller coasters but really loved the water rides. We are so thankful for chances like this to spend time with family.

Backyard Campout

We had 4 neighborhood boys over for a last-day-of-school campout back in May. We made biscuits on a stick, played with fire, took a late night walk, and told scary stories. Our backyard is a sweet spot for this.

Diaperless Days

Theo has gone without a daytime diaper for a couple months now, and hasn't had an accident in a couple weeks. Isaac and Seth want to throw a party for him, but we parents haven't approved any of the proposed party activities yet. Theo now makes three who have potty-trained before weaning.


The first food Jonathan learned to make as a kid was pflintzen (crepes). This week he taught Seth how to make them. They turned out fabulous. What a treat to be on a summer schedule where we have time to leisurely make meals together (sometimes). We filled them with homemade cherry syrup.

Losing Teeth

I remember when Seth was 3 and he talked of having a "woos toof" because he wanted to lose teeth like Isaac. Now Theo is pretending to have loose teeth as Seth is losing them. Seth lost 4 within a week (3 of them in 12 hours!).

Friday, June 13, 2008

Cherry Picking

What a surprise to find out that the cherries on the tree right off our back porch are sweet and wonderful. The last photo is of Theo's cherry-honeysuckle smoothie.

Friday, June 6, 2008

still here

I haven’t intentionally stopped blogging, but somehow haven’t taken the time for it lately. For now, here are a few things we’ve been enjoying the last week.

Slumber parties, last weekend and this weekend again

Wonderful piano music by Oma Jean (here from Oregon for a month)

Spreading manure, weeding and PICKING STRAWBERRIES at the community garden

Isaac pulling garlic mustard from the yard and using it to make a fence around the clubhouse in the woods

Oma Jean’s nut bars

Italian Ice with watermelon, lemonade and ice

Seth’s business, where he sells pictures, pop-up cards, snowflakes, backrubs, kaleidoscopes, lemonade and babysitting services

Deciding not to go to the Andreas family reunion because of the expense, and then changing our minds

Reading “Enrique’s Journey”

Planning summer visits with friends from Germany, Mexico, and Canada