Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Jonathan on TV

Fox TV from Lima came to campus today to interview Jonathan about the economic stimulus package. They aired 2 segments, but I messed up with the video camera on the second segment. Can you recognize him in that suit and tie?!

Monday, January 28, 2008

free rice

The kids had fun tonight on freerice.com, where answering multiple choice vocabulary questions earns free rice to be sent to the hungry through United Nations World Food Program. The kids earned 8,000 grains of rice, which we estimated to be about 8 bowls full of rice. And we learned a bit about munificence in the process.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

stupid badgers

Tonight I was talking with Seth and Isaac about the house we might buy, comparing pros and cons with others on the market. I told them that we like the idea of having a space like a basement where the kids, when they get older, can have a connected but somewhat separate space for being with friends. When they are teenagers, I said jokingly, they might want a place where they can say bad words with their friends without us parents hearing. They laughed out loud at this idea, and Seth started blurting out, "Stupid, oh stupid this and stupid that..." and Isaac starting saying "Badger!" which was his made-up swear word when we was 3 and mad. They then suggested that this teenage space be named the "stupid badger club."

Monday, January 14, 2008

Glory Bound

I just got the Firecracker CD by the Wailin Jennys. This morning when the chorus of Glory Bound started "Hallelujah, Hallelujah," Theo folded his hands in prayer, which is his sign for "church." I asked him if we had sung Hallelujah in church, and he smiled and affirmed my interpretation with a "yeah." How I'd love to sing this particular Wailin' Jennys hallelujah in our church! I don't know which church song he was thinking of, but I'm glad he associates this word more with church than with Mr. Bean.

Theo turned 2

Theo, how precious these first 2 years have been with you.
We celebrated on Friday night with our potluck group.
We played"Happy Birthday" with your new boomwhackers,
ate pizza and calzones, played hide-and-seek, parachute games,
watched a puppet show, ate brownies and milkshakes. The
grand finale came when Oma Glennys brought in the rocking
horse that she had just scored that morning at Et Cetera.
Saturday we went to the Toledo Zoo for the day.

Sunday, January 6, 2008